Free eBook The Ultimate Guide to Finding job After Residency By Koushik K.Shaw Download
Monday, 2 September 2013
Description:It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. Well, the inspiration for this book was born from my recent experience in trying to find the ideal career for myself upon finishing residency. Like most residents and fellows, I was faced with several career decisions. As a member of over 25,000 medical and surgical residents graduating each year, I was surprised to find that no single, comprehensive source of information existed to help with career planning after residency. Instead, I found myself asking a lot of folks about their opinions and thoughts, and occasionally came across a few facts. So, once I found my “ideal” career track, I decided to incorporate a lot of those facts, and a few opinions, into what I hope will be an insightful guide for those young physicians about to tread down a path, leading to the start of a wonderful continuation in the Practice of medicine. It is well known that physicians, especially new graduates, are not always adept in financial planning and management, contract negotiations, legal matters, and such. Unfortunately, it is not the objective of residency programs to educate their young trainees to become “business savvy.” I find that young residents find themselves well educated in the art of being a physician, yet in truth, a vast majority find themselves in the position of negotiating the type of practice arrangement, finances, and significant legal issues without an adequate knowledge base.
Size: 7.39 MB
No. of Pages: 153
Type: Tips Oriented
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